Welcome to my blog, Gentle Wisdom for Tender Moments. I am so glad you are here.
Tender moments make up the fabric of our lives. Along our journey of life there will be light and dark, joy and sorrow, happiness and sadness, hellos and good-byes, fresh starts and bitter ends. We struggle with the hard and some of our pain I believe comes from resisting these tender moments. What might happen if we leaned into them, if we were brave and vulnerable in sharing how we felt? What could we learn if we sat alongside our fear, sadness, grief or anger?
As Rumi so wisely stated:
‘The cure for the pain is in the pain.’
I believe this to be true, just as I believe deeply in another quote from Rumi:
‘We carry inside us the wonders we seek outside us.’
Writing has always been what I’ve turned to in coping with my own tender moments. It has been my way of connecting to the wonders within me. Many of my posts in this blog will be personal accounts of my tender moments. We are not as different as we may think and I believe through the stories of others, we can find pieces of ourselves.
I hope this blog will encourage you to be with your tender moments in a different way. I will offer gentle wisdom to soften the jagged edges of these moments, while also encouraging you to be open to feeling what you feel. I believe that it is in our tender moments that there is the greatest opportunity to listen and connect with our inner wisdom. I think the answers we seek are within, we need only be still and quiet enough to listen to what we already know. I hope my posts will provide you with an opportunity to do just that, while also offering resources that can serve as additional guides along your journey.
I truly hope the posts I write will shine a light within the reader, a light that may ignite a spark of hope, wonder, compassion or understanding. Thank you so much for being here and sharing this space with me. I know how fleeting and precious this journey of life is, thank for allowing me to be part of yours.
With gratitude,